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Located Relatives

Media M. Madera - She is the eldest child/daughter of my brother, Raymondo. She currently lives in Whiting, In.  In searching in the genealogy message boards, I found her in 2001. I met her in 3/2005. Her only sibling (Laura Jean) and mother (Dixie Lee Capherman) are deceased. I do have her phone number and e-mail address. I keep in contact with her by telephone, on a weekly basis.

Eva Marie Macias - She is the 3rd eldest child/daughter of my brother, Raymondo. She currently lives in Los Angeles, Ca. While searching in the genealogy message boards, I found her in 2001. I have yet to meet her. I keep in contact with her by phone, on a weekly basis. Her mother's name is: Phyllis Anita Chavez. 

Media and Eva have different mothers.  Media & Eva have never met each other.


Dolores Ramona Macias - 4th eldest child of my brother Raymondo.  bd- 2/15/1967. Her mother is Dolores Rodriguez. I located her in California in 6/2004.  She has never met her father Raymondo. I have yet to meet her.


I believe in Angels God.  Hopefully God will send an Angel, to help my family reunite.