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Contacting TV Shows

Below is a list of TV Shows I have contacted about my Family story.  Please feel free to contact any of these TV shows, on my family's behalf.

Oprah Winfrey Show

Harpo Productions
P. O. Box 909715
Chicago, IL 60607

To E-Mail The Oprah Winfrey Show

You can click on the following link:

Pick a topic, or you can go to "Regular Features" and click "We want your show ideas!"

Home Delivery

To write Home Delivery:

Home Delivery

P.O. Box 745

Midtown Station

Ney York, NY  10018

To E-Mail the show

You can click on the link below, to go to the Home Delivery.  Click the "tell us your story", by the pink telephone.

This TV show is shown on the WB channel.


Clink the following link below, to go to the Jane Pauley show.

I have not yet found a postal address, to write to the show.

Jane Pauley Show

Larry Elder Show

To Write the show:

The Larry Elder Show
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Ste. 2202
Los Angeles, CA 90036

To E-Mail the show: